Below Grade Waterproofing Systems

Sway Features is Southern California’s leading consultant and contractor for Below Grade waterproofing systems.  Basements and planters require waterproofing during the construction process for projects with subterranean features. This ensures that the accumulation of rainwater does not intrude into the building. Thus, the design and installation of these systems fall into a specialty field for which certification and licensure are requirements.

Furthermore, Sway Features team comprises licensed professionals experienced in waterproofing design and installations. So, the waterproofing system that Sway Features implements considers implementing a redundant design approach to ensure that a series of design features prevent failure.

Below Grade Waterproofing

Importantly, underground garages and basements require a waterproofing system on the walls. So, this can consist of the waterproofing installation on retaining walls or lagging systems for shotcrete to be post-applied. Uncommonly known, there are pockets of shallow groundwater within the Los Angels area, for which the historically highest groundwater can reach as shallow as 10 feet below grade. If your underground projects fall within these pockets, you Geotechnical Engineer will likely recommend the application of a waterproofing system.

Planter Waterproofing

A common architectural design feature includes the installation of planters around a structure. Waterproofing planters is required to prevent damage to the structure that could potentially result from frequent watering. The installation of waterproofing systems for planters is similar to the application of waterproofing below grade applications.

The proper installation of waterproofing systems on planters alleviate the concerns of water leaks. Failure of waterproofing systems can ultimately result in costly and counterproductive damage to your structure. Responsible developers and contractors acknowledge the importance of waterproofing systems and ensure their projects install the highest quality systems by experienced contractors