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LA Oil Rigs: Hidden in Plain Sight

Los Angeles, a bustling metropolis, is known for its Hollywood glamor and sunny beaches. Yet, it harbors a lesser-known reality beneath its vibrant surface. Scattered throughout the city, thousands of oil wells, some abandoned and others still operational, are cleverly concealed from public view. This article explores the hidden world of LA oil rigs. We

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Methane emissions influences the environment

The environmental impact of methane emissions are raising concerns regarding habitat shifts to human health issues. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, which plays a major role in shaping our environment.  Its release into the atmosphere contributes to climate change, leading to habitat shifts, extinction, and habitat loss. Additionally, methane’s influence extends to human health,

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Methane Capture

Methane is a growing contributor to climate change, the urge to implement methane capture is paramount. Current estimates say methane is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide over a 100-year period. Methane produces naturally through various processes. Such as human activities, particularly the decomposition of organic waste in landfills, which have rising emissions. However,

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Methane Matters

Methane matters as it is one of the natural gases that are part of temperatures rising. Currently, twenty-five percent of warming worldwide has a connection to methane. It is worse than carbon dioxide; it is eighty times more potent after being in our atmosphere. Methane corresponds to local air quality. The atmosphere closest to ground

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International Methane Emissions Observatory

Methane is just one carbon with four hydrogen atoms, yet this simple compound complicates life. It is a powerful greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases trap heat in our atmosphere. Some familiar sources of methane are landfills, oil, livestock, and coal. Ever since humans started to burn coal and tap into fossil fuels, the exponential use of

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Hidden Los Angeles Oil and Methane Drilling

When thinking of Los Angeles, what first comes to mind is glitz and glam. An image of Hollywood or dreamy beaches and high skylines. Before all this development, the Los Angeles oil drilling boom led to great wealth. Hidden Los Angeles Oil and Methane Drilling are the unfamiliar histories that gave way to developers. In

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Los Angeles History of Methane and Oil Drilling

The Los Angeles history of methane and oil drilling between the 1910s through the 1980s tragically endured many methane leaks and explosions. The ghastly aftermath from oil drilling causes methane leaks or carbon monoxide leaks. These two dangerous gases cause breathing difficulty, passing out, and death. Carbon monoxide forms through methane from organic matter in

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Approved Long Beach Methane Gas Mitigation

The City of Long Beach Building Department has established a Methane Mitigation Process. Found in the Information Bulletin on Methane Gas Mitigation. Provided by the city and Chapter 18.79 of the Long Beach Municipal Code (LBMC).   If a new construction project is planned within the Long Beach building jurisdiction, a methane mitigation consultant shall

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5 Questions before an LADBS Methane Test

LADBS Methane  Gas Soil Testing is the First step in the Three-step LADBS Methane Mitigation Process. If an LADBS Plan Checker requires a Methane Test, be sure to ask the 5 Important Methane Testing Questions.   Is my Property in the Methane Zone or Methane Buffer Zone?  When Methane Testing, the first step should be

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